
时间:2019-06-08 教育动态 点击:

Has this ever happened to you?你曾经遇到过这种情况嘛?

Your friend asks: “Hey, what’s up?”你的朋友问你,:“最近怎么样?”

You respond: “Um, the sky?”你回答:“天空。”



Example 1)例1

“What did you think of Wolf on Wall Street?” “你认为《华尔街之狼》怎么样”

“It was awesome! I loved it!” (They thought it was a great movie).“它很棒!我非常喜欢!”(他们认为这是一部很棒的电影)

Example 2)例2

“I’ll pick you up at 1 pm, okay?”“我在下午一点接你,好嘛?”

“Awesome.” (Here it shows you’re cool with the idea and you agree).“完全可以”(这里说明你认为这个主意很棒你完全同意。)

2.Cool :Cool(形容词)和awesome一样意为‘很棒的’或者‘极好的’。它说明你同意这个想法。使用cool的时候要小心处理它的词义,它正常意为有一点冷,因此使用cool的时候你必须认真听并且根据语境去理解词义。

Example 1)例1

“How’s the weather in Canada these days?”“最近加拿大的天气怎么样?”

“It’s getting cooler. Winter’s coming!” (This is the literal meaning a little cold)“天气变得越来越凉了。冬天就要来了!”(这里是cool的字面含义,意味有一点冷)

Example 2)例2

“What did you think of my new boyfriend?”“你认为我的新男友怎么样?”

“I liked him. He seemed like a cool guy!” (He seemed like a nice guy).“我喜欢他,他看起来是一个很酷的家伙!”(他是一个好人)

3.To be beat:在正常的术语里,beat通常采用词义‘赢’或者‘打’的意思。然而。在俚语或者日常英语中,它的意思却完全不同(转 载于:www.bJyLd.com 月亮岛 教育网: 20个基本电路图讲解|20个基本的美国俚语(一))。如果你听你的朋友说I’m beat,这意为他/她非常累了或者筋疲力尽了。

Example 1)例1

“Do you want to go out tonight? There’s a cool new rock bar that’s just opened.”“你今晚想出去吗?有一个不错的摇滚酒吧最近开业了。”

“Sorry, I can’t. I’m beat and I have to wake up early tomorrow.”“不好意思,我不出去了,我很累而且我明天早晨得早起。”

Example 2)例2

“You look beat, what have you been doing?”“你看起来很累,你做什么了”

“I’ve been helping my dad in the yard all morning.”“整个早晨我一直在院子里帮我爸爸。”

4.To hang out :To hang out(动词)。如果有人问你通常在哪闲逛,他们是想知道当你有时间的时候,你通常都喜欢去哪。如果你的朋友问你你是否能和他们一起出去闲逛,他们其实是在问你是否有时间并且愿意和他们一起出去。那如果你问你的朋友他们正在做什么,而他们仅仅回答你在闲逛呢?这意为他们现在有时间并且没有在做什么特别的事。

Example 1)例1

“Hi Simon, what are you doing?”“你好,西蒙,你在做什么呢?”

“Nothing much, just hanging out with Sally.” (In this case you can just use the word hanging without the out and say “Nothing much, just hanging with Sally.”)“没干什么,正在和萨丽一起闲逛呢”(在这种情况下你可以直接使用hanging省去out, “没干什么,正在和萨丽闲逛呢。”)

And if it’s used as a noun? It refers to the place where you spend your free time.如果用作名词呢?它指你度过闲暇时光的地方.

Example 2)例2

“Joey, where are you, guys.”“乔伊,你们现在在哪呢?”

“We’re at our usual hang out. Come down whenever you want!” (It could mean their favorite café, the gym or even the park).“在我们经常闲逛的地方,你想来的话随时来!”(这里意为它们他们喜欢咖啡馆,体育馆或者是公园。)

5.To Chill Out: To chill out (动词)。 每个人都喜欢chill out,那么chill out是什么意思呢?它仅仅意为放松,休息。通常情况下,你如果和一个以英语为母语的人交谈out可加可不加,他们完全够能够明白你在说什么。

Example 1)例1

“Hey Tommy, what are you guys doing?” “嗨,汤米,你们在干什么呢?”

“We’re just chilling (out).”“我们正在休息。”

Example 2)例2

“Sue, what did you do in the weekend?”“苏,这周末你们都在干什么了?”

“Nothing much. We just chilled (out).” “没干什么,我们就休息了.”

But if someone tells you need to chill out it’s not as positive. It means that they think you’re overreacting to a situation or getting stressed about silly little things.但是如果有人说你需要chill out,那么这就不是积极的意义了。这意为你对环境过度反应了或者你对一些微小的事情太在意了。

Example 3)例3

“I can’t believe that test we just had. I’m sure I’m going to fail.”“我无法相信我们已经考完试了,我确定我会不及格。”

“You need to chill out and stop thinking too much. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” “你需要冷静一下不要想太多。我确信,你没有问题。”

6.Wheels :Wheel(名词)我们知道许多东西都有轮子  – 汽车,摩托车,自行车甚至手推车,但是当某人讨论他们的轮子的时候,他们正在说他们的车。

Example 1)例1

“Hey, can you pick me up at 3?”“嗨,你能在3点的时候来接我吗?”

“Sorry, I can’t. I don’t have my wheels at the moment?” “不好意思,我去不了,那个时间我车在不在身边。”

Example 2)例2

“Nice wheels!”“这车真棒!”

“Thanks, it was a birthday present from my dad!”“谢谢,这是给爸爸的生日礼物!”

7.To be amped:To be amped(形容词)。如果你对某事amped,这说明你非常激动且迫不及待的让这件事发生。

Example 1)例1

“I can’t wait to see Beyonce live!”“我真是迫不及待的想要看到碧昂斯的现场!”

“Me too, I’m amped.” “我也是,我太激动了。”

It can also mean you’re really determined and you want something to happen. With this meaning you can also replace amped with pumped.它还有一层词意就是你真的做好决定了并且你确定你期待这件事的发生。有了这层含义你可以用pumped来替换amped。

Example 2)例2

“I’m so amped for the game tonight!” “我是如此的期待今晚的比赛!”

“Yeah, I’m sure you are!.”“我知道你很期待!。”

8.Babe:Babe(名词)。 如果你称某人是babe,这意为你认为他不热情且没有吸引力。但是要注意你只可以在同人说话的时候使用这个词(转载于 :www.bjylD.com 月亮岛 教育网: 20个基本电路图讲解|20个基本的美国俚语(一))。

Example 1)例1

“What do you think of James’ new girlfriend?”“你认为詹姆斯的新女朋友怎么样?”

“Total babe! And you?”“简直无聊!你怎么觉得?”


9.Busted :(形容词)。如果你逮捕了某人这就说明你的发现他做了不该做的事,说了不该说的话或者藏了不该藏得东西。The police bust people every day可以写成they catch all the bad guys and charge them or put them in prison(他们抓捕犯罪分子,给犯罪分子定罪并且把他们关到监狱里。)

Example 1)例1

“Did you hear that Sam got busted speeding?”“你听说萨姆因超速驾驶被抓了嘛?”

“No, but I’m not surprised. I’m always telling him he needs to drive slower!”“还没听说,但是我一点也不惊讶。我总是告诉他他应该开慢点!”

Example 2)例2

“There were two kids who were busted cheating in their exams!”“那两个孩子因为考试作弊被抓了!”

“Really? What happened?”“真的吗?发生了什么?”

10.To have a blast:To have a blast(动词)。Blast原意是指大爆炸。这是新闻中常见的一个词组。但是如果你跟你的朋友使用这个词,那它的意思就变的积极了,意为,某事非常棒,你度过了一段愉快的时光。

Example 1)例1

“How was the Jack Johnson concert?”“ 杰克·约翰逊的音乐会怎么样?”

“It was awesome. Everyone had a blast.”“简直太棒了,每个人都很激动。”

Example 2)[cn]例2

“Thanks for inviting me to your party last night, I had a blast.”“昨晚感谢你邀请我去你的聚会,我度过了一段愉快的时光。”

“Thanks for coming and I’m glad you enjoyed it.”“感谢你能来,很开心你喜欢这个聚会。”


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