
时间:2017-09-20 英语六级 点击:




  1. (2015·杭州模拟) ________ of experience made John fail in the interview, but it didn’t mean that he couldn’t find a suitable job.

  A. Lacking        B. Lack

  C. Lacking in D. No lack

  【解析】选B。句意: 缺乏经验使约翰在面试中失败了, 但这并不意味着他找不到一份合适的工作。根据句意及句子成分可知, 此处应用名词lack作主语。


  ________ in real face-to-face communication nowadays, we communicate by telephone, cellphone and through the Internet more and more, instead.

  A. Lacked B. To lack

  C. Lacking D. Being lacking

  【解析】选D。固定表达be lacking in在……方面缺乏, 此处的lacking为形容词, 现在分词短语作原因状语, 相当于because we are lacking in. . . 。故答案为D。

  2. —Have you looked through the plan?

  —Not yet. This plan is worth ________ carefully.

  A. to be considered B. being consideredC. to consider D. considering

  【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。答句句意: 还没有。这项计划值得仔细考虑。be worth后面跟动名词的主动形式, 表示被动意义。因此用considering。


  —Have you looked through the plan?

  —Not yet. This plan is ________ careful consideration.

  A. worth B. worthy

  C. worthwhile D. valuable

  【解析】选A。考查固定表达。be worth sth. 表示“值得……”, 相当于be worthy of sth. 。故答案为A。

  3. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of ________ energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel.

  A. primary B. alternative

  C. instant D. unique

  【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。alternative有“可选择的, 可替代的”之意, 符合句意。primary首要的, 初期的; instant立即的, 迅速的; unique独特的。

  4. (2015·绍兴模拟)All possible means ________ to protect this kind of animals in danger up to now.

  A. have been tried B. were tried

  C. was tried D. has been tried

  【解析】选A。考查时态和主谓一致。句意: 到目前为止, 所有可能的保护这种濒危动物的方法都已经试过了。由up to now可知句子为现在完成时, 排除B和C选项。主语为All possible means, 谓语动词用复数形式。

  5. (2015·苏州联考) ________ not to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, which is really dangerous.

  A. Being reminded B. To remind

  C. Having reminded D. Reminded【解析】选D。考查过去分词作状语。句意: 尽管被提醒不要酒后开车, 一些司机仍然心存侥幸, 这十分危险。remind和其逻辑主语some drivers是动宾关系, 也就是说, 司机是被提醒的, 故用过去分词作状语。


  (2015·南京模拟)In our childhood, we were often ________ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

  A. demanded B. reminded

  C. allowed D. hoped

  【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意: 在我们童年时期, 我们常常被奶奶提醒注意餐桌礼仪。demand要求; remind提醒; allow允许; hope希望。

  6. The media can often help solve problems and ________ attention to situations ________ help is needed.

  A. take; which B. draw; where

  C. pay; that D. draw; /

  【解析】选B。考查动词短语和定语从句。句意: 媒体能帮助解决问题, 常常把注意力吸引到需要帮助的地方。draw attention to吸引注意力到……; situation, case等作先行词时后边若缺少地点状语, 常用where引导定语从句。pay attention to意为“关注, 注意”, 与句意不符。

  7. (2015·杭州模拟)If George keeps on working so hard, he’ll ________ sooner or later.

  A. break down B. break up

  C. break out D. break off

  【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 如果George一直这么努力工作, 他身体迟早会垮掉的。break down垮掉, 崩溃, 抛锚; break up分手, 解体; break out爆发; break off折断。

  8. The teacher always tells her students that only if ________ hard ________ achieve success.

  A. do they work; will they B. do they work; they will

  C. they work; will they D. they work; they will

  【解析】选C。考查倒装。句意: 老师总是告诉学生们只有他们努力学习才可以获得成功。that后是宾语从句, only if位于句首时, 主句的谓语动词用部分倒装语序, 在that引导的宾语从句中they will achieve success是主句, 故答案选C(转载 于:wWw.bJyLd.com 月亮岛教育网 : 【2017北京高考英语试卷及答案】2017高考英语模拟试卷及答案)。


  ________ both sides accept these terms will everlasting peace be established in this region.

  A. Unless B. As long as

  C. If only D. Only if

  【解析】选D。考查倒装的用法。句意: 只有双方都接受了这些条款, 这个地区才能建立永久的和平。unless除非; as long as只要; if only要是……就好了, 后常用虚拟语气; only if只要, 而选项中只有only if位于句首时, 主句才可用部分倒装结构。


  as long as与only if的用法区别


  ①as long as有两个意思, 一是用于本义, 意为“与……一样长(久)”, 在否定句中, 也可说成(not)so long as; 二是用于引申义, 表示“只要”, 也可说成so long as(肯定句、否定句和疑问句)。例如:

  This river is as long as that one.


  As long as it doesn’t rain we can go.

  只要不下雨, 我们就可以去。

  ②only if可视为if的加强说法, 即其中的only是修饰if从句的, 意为“只有在条件下”。例如:

  I’ll tell you, but only if you don’t tell anyone else.

  我可以告诉你, 但条件是你不能告诉其他任何人。


  从语气上看, only if的语气要比as long as强, as long as通常只是用于提出一个条件; 而only if则通常暗示它是主句内容的唯一条件。

  As long as you do your best, we’ll be satisfied.

  只要你尽全力, 我们就满意了。

  We can succeed only if everyone in the team pulls his weight.我们全队只有人人各尽所能才能取得成功。


  既可从句置于主句之后, 也可置于主句之前。但是, 当only if引导的状语从句置于主句之前时, 其后的主句要用倒装语序, 而as long as引导的从句置于主句之前则不用倒装。例如:

  As long as it doesn’t rain we can play.

  只要不下雨, 我们就能玩。

  Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room.

  只有得到教师的允许, 学生才可以进这间屋。

  9. (2015·杭州模拟)He sets us so difficult a problem ________ we couldn’t work out.

  A. that   B. as   C. which   D. why

  【解析】选B。考查定语从句。句意: 他给我们出了一个我们无法解答的难题。as引导了一个定语从句, 固定结构为such. . . . as. . . . 先行词为a problem, 在定语从句中充当work out的宾语。


  (2015·杭州模拟)He sets us so difficult a problem ________ we couldn’t work it out.

  A. that B. as C. which D. why

  【解析】选A。考查结果状语从句。句意: 他给我们出了一个如此困难的试题, 以至于我们没有解答出来。此处为so. . . that结构。


  (1)so/such. . . that. . . 引导结果状语从句, 意为“如此……以至于”, 在非正式英语中, so或that有时可以省去。

  ①The train was so full that I could hardly turn around.

  火车上人太多, 我几乎转不过身来。

  ②The wind was(so)strong that he could hardly move forward.

  风刮得如此猛烈, 以至于他几乎寸步难行。

  ③He made such an excellent speech(that)everyone admired him. 他发表了一篇如此精彩的演讲, 以至于每个人都钦佩他。

  (2)so. . . that与such. . . that的区别



  ①She is so honest a woman that everybody trusts her.

  =She is such an honest woman that everybody trusts her.

  她是如此诚实的一个女人, 每个人都信任她。

  ②It’s such nice weather that I don’t like to stay at home.

  天气这么好, 我不想待在家里。

  ③We can’t finish so much work in such a short time.


  注意: little译作“小的”时, 常用such修饰。

  He is such a little boy that his parents often teach him something.

  他是个非常小的男孩, 他的父母经常教他一些东西。

  10. Faced with ________ challenges, you should believe that your courage is what makes ________ difference.

  A. the; / B. the; a C. /; a D. /; /

  【解析】选C。考查冠词。句意: 面对挑战, 你应该相信你的勇气是很有影响的。第一个空不填, 这里是复数表泛指“挑战”, 第二个空填a, make a difference有影响, 起作用。

  11. (2015·杭州模拟)We must help people to find houses outside the city, but ________ , we must remember that some city people want to remain where they are.

  A. virtually B. equally

  C. definitely D. naturally

  【解析】选B。考查副词辨析。句意: 我们必须帮助人们在城外找到房子, 但是, 同样地, 我们也必须记住一些城市居民想要待在他们住的地方。virtually实际上, 事实上; equally同样地, 平等地; definitely明确地, 肯定地; naturally自然地。从句意可知前后内容是同等重要的。

  12. (2015·绍兴模拟)Many kind-hearted people ________ the Disaster Relief Fund to help the people in the earthquake-stricken area.

  A. devote to B. attend toC. contribute to D. lead to

  【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 许多热心的人向赈灾基金会捐款, 来帮助震区的那些人。devote to致力于; attend to照料; contribute to为……作贡献, 捐献; lead to导致。

  13. (2015·余杭模拟)I didn’t know that he was a cheat, or else I ________ him.

  A. should have believed B. shouldn’t believe

  C. wouldn’t have believed D. couldn’t believe

  【解析】选C。考查虚拟语气。句意: 我不知道他是一个骗子, 否则我就不会相信他了。此处是含蓄的虚拟语气, 是对过去发生过的事情的虚拟。


  If we had taken such effective measures much earlier, the river ________ so seriously now.

  A. is not polluted

  B. would not be polluted

  C. had not been polluted

  D. would not have been polluted

  【解析】选B。考查虚拟语气的用法。这是一个错综虚拟条件句, 条件句是对过去情况的虚拟, 而主句则是对现在情况的虚拟, 由此可知B项正确。

  14. It is requested that the reporter ________ to blame for the wrong report.

  A. referring to B. referring to as

  C. referred to be D. referred to being

  【解析】选C。考查虚拟语气和过去分词作定语。句意: 据要求被提到的记者要为错误的报告受到责备。refer to(提及)和reporter之间是被动关系, 故用过去分词作定语。request要求, It is requested that后加主语从句时从句用虚拟语气, should可以省略; 谓语用be动词原形, 省略should, 所以选C。

  15. (2015·宁波模拟)Joan stood outside a shopping mall for a long time, as if ________ somebody.

  A. to wait for B. waiting forC. waited for D. having waited for

  【解析】选B。考查状语从句的省略。句意: 琼在商场外站了好长时间, 像是在等人。当从句的主语与主句的主语一致时, 从句中的主语和be可省略, 补充完整为as if she was waiting for somebody



  On March 25, 2013, two pandas were shipped from China to Canada. The pandas received a warm welcome to the North America from Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Chinese ambassador(大使)Zhang Junsai.

  The pandas will spend five years at the Toronto Zoo, and then spend another five years at the Calgary Zoo. This is the first time in 20 years that pandas have been sent to a Canadian zoo. “I want to offer my sincere thanks to the government of China for sharing these two pandas, symbolizing peace and friendship, with all Canadians, ”said Prime Minister Harper.

  The pandas are named Er Shun and Da Mao. Er Shun, a five-year-old female, came from the Chongqing Zoo, in southwest China. Da Mao, a four-year-old male, traveled from Chengdu. The panda passengers were given plenty of snacks throughout the flight. Each panda received more than 200 pounds of bamboo and 100 pounds of apples.

  The number of pandas is decreasing and now there are only 1, 600 pandas left in the wild. And this is partly due to the loss of their primary food source—bamboo. According to a recent study, warming temperatures are causing a shortage of bamboo in at least one region of China where pandas live.

  The climate in Er Shun and Da Mao’s new home in Canada isn’t perfect for growing bamboo. Twice a week, the Memphis Zoo, in Tennessee, will ship about 700 pounds of the green plant up north to the Toronto Zoo. While the pandas are far from China, zookeepers plan to make Canada feel like their home.

  【文章大意】本文介绍了中国赠送给加拿大的两只大熊猫, 及加拿大两家动物园为迎接大熊猫所作的准备工作。

  1. We can know from the second paragraph that ________ .

  A. China often sends pandas to Canada

  B. Canada is very thankful for China’s help

  C. the two pandas will spend ten years in Toronto Zoo

  D. the two pandas will only live in one place

  【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第二段可知二十年来头一次获得中国相赠的大熊猫, 加拿大方面非常感激中国政府。

  2. According to the passage, the two pandas ________ .

  A. are both four years old

  B. are from the same Chinese zoo

  C. can eat as many as 100 pounds of apples in a day

  D. were given over 400 pounds of bamboo on the flight

  【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段Each panda received more than 200 pounds of bamboo and 100 pounds of apples. 一句可知在飞机上每只大熊猫被提供了200多磅的竹子。

  3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

  A. The reason for the decreasing number of pandas.

  B. The primary food source of pandas.

  C. The lifestyle of pandas in the wild.

  D. The effects of warming temperatures on bamboo.


  4. It can be learned from the passage that ________ .

  A. pandas eat nothing but bamboo and apples

  B. the climate in Toronto is unfit for bamboo to grow

  C. the animal that all Canadians like best is pandas

  D. China lent the two pandas just in order to help Canada

  【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据最后一段The climate in Er Shun and Da Mao’s new home in Canada isn’t perfect for growing bamboo. Twice a week, the Memphis Zoo, in Tennessee, will ship about 700 pounds of the green plant up north to the Toronto Zoo. 可知多伦多当地的气候不适宜于竹子的生长。



  When Mary Barra took the wheel at General Motors in January she inherited a company in good shape. Five years after bankruptcy(破产), its profits were beyond expectations and its share price was rising. But the new boss’s to-do list was long: fixing GM’s loss-making European arm, keeping up momentum(势头)in China amid signs of a slowdown and giving new life to the product line. The former CEO, Dan Akerson, warned her that she would also face unexpected challenges. The first has arrived sooner than she might have expected.

  What appeared to be a routine recall(召回)of about 800, 000 older models, linked to a faulty ignition(点火)switch, has turned out to be anything but. The number of cars recalled has leapt to more than 2. 6 million. The company’s clumsy handling of a safety problem that first became apparent a decade ago is now linked to the deaths of at least 13 motorists.

  Called before Congress to answer for GM’s failings Ms Barra said she was “deeply sorry” but insisted that the post-bankruptcy “new GM” was not like the “old GM”, which had failed to deal with the ignition switches for years. Politicians and the public alike want to know how such a problem could have remained unaddressed for so long.

  Cars are becoming ever more complex machines, with thousands of mechanical and electronic parts. Last year it happened to 22 million vehicles in America, compared with 18 million in 2012. In fact, GM was one of only three brands that recalled fewer vehicles than it sold. Minor problems, like squeaks(吱吱响)or rattles(咔嗒响), that do not affect safety are more common still. They may be fixed at a routine service; the owner may never know. The growing number of recalls is proof to an improving system for picking up faults.

  But it is very complicated. Dealers must record replacements of parts under warranty(保修). The carmaker needs to spot the trend, recognize it as a problem and then determine whether or not it is a design fault that requires an extensive replacement. It relies on accurate recording of every warranty replacement in every region. This system appears to have broken down at “old GM”. Ms Barra needs to find out why.

  The core problem is a widely used ignition switch that has a tendency to slip from the “on” position to “off” if a driver uses a heavy key-chain or bounces down a rough road. An improvement was made in 2008 to prevent the problem, which can lead to the engine shutting off, disabling the airbags. But despite a growing list of crashes and deaths, GM failed to order a recall for a component that would have cost a few dollars at most.

  This is odd. Most carmakers want to identify and fix problems speedily despite having to bear the cost of buying and fitting a new component. A small part can do great harm, if bad publicity leads to reputation collapse, lost sales and law suits, including heavy penalties. Appearing to put profits before safety is an invitation to battering a firm’s shares, as GM has discovered.

  So far Ms Barra has handled the situation well. She seems to have acted as soon as she found out something was wrong. GM has appointed a worldwide safety president to cut through the process that may have delayed investigation and action. And in a sweeping housecleaning, GM has recalled another 2 million vehicles in America alone. GM looks set to accept moral, if not legal, responsibility. The terms of its exit from bankruptcy give immunity to lawsuits for injuries arising beforehand. But GM is likely to compensate survivors’ and victims’ families anyway.

  It is not yet clear how much of a hammering GM will take. But hours before Ms Barra’s meeting with Congress, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety issued a greatly desired “Top Safety Pick” for the new Chevrolet Malibu, one of a growing number of well-received cars from GM.

  【文章大意】本文主要介绍的是通用汽车公司的新老板Mary Barra上任后遇到的机遇和挑战, 以及她是如何应对危机的。

  5. When Mary Barra took office, there was plenty more room for GM’s improvement in that ________ .

  a. the development of Chinese market appears to be slowing down

  b. former bosses have failed to fix GM’s loss-making European arm

  c. some car models lack appeal in the market

  d. Mr. Akerson has left some challenges for her to handle

  e. GM’s management teams are made up mainly of men

  A. a, b, and e B. b, c, and d

  C. a, b, and c D. a, c and d

  【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第一段的But the new boss’s to-do list was long: fixing GM’s loss-making European arm, keeping up momentum in China amid signs of a slowdown and giving new life to the product line. 可知, 当Mary Barra上任的时候, GM的提高空间很大, 因为中国市场的发展似乎在下降, 连续几任老板都没能改变其在欧洲不断亏损的局面。还有一些汽车的款型缺乏市场吸引力, 所以选C。

  6. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

  A. Problems like squeaks or rattles are frequent reasons for recalls.

  B. Recalls are not uncommon in the auto industry.

  C. Car companies welcome recalls to demonstrate improved products and services.

  D. Minor problems may be fixed at a routine service without the owners’ knowledge.

  【解析】选B(转载 于:wwW.BJyld.com 月亮岛教育网 : 【2017北京高考英语试卷及答案】2017高考英语模拟试卷及答案)。推理判断题。根据第四段的Minor problems, like squeaks or rattles, that do not affect safety are more common still. 可以推断出, 召回在汽车行业是很普遍的。

  7. Mary Barra has carried out the following strategies to manage the crisis and quiet the critics EXCEPT that ________ .

  A. as soon as she learned about the problem, she acted without hesitation

  B. she faced facts and apologized sincerely

  C. she took the legal responsibilities for their previous mistakes

  D. she appointed a new president for global safety for GM

  【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知, Mary Barra采取的应对危机平息批评的方法有: 立刻对问题采取行动, 面对现实真诚的道歉, 还有任命了一个新的GM全球安全主席。没有说她为以前的问题承担法律责任。

  8. What does the underlined word “battering” in Paragraph 7 probably mean?

  A. Benefiting. B. Regulating.

  C. Purchasing. D. Damaging.

  【解析】选D。词义猜测题。根据第七段的Appearing to put profits before safety is an invitation to battering a firm’s shares, 似乎将盈利放在安全的前面是破坏公司份额的诱因, 可知battering的意思是“破坏”。

  9. What can we infer from GM’s new Malibu being awarded “Top Safety Pick”?

  A. GM’s new model Malibu is specially designed to solve ignition problems.

  B. GM products are gaining more and more popularity around the world.

  C. GM seems to be on the road to saving itself from mistakes.

  D. GM has worked out a solution to the broken-down recall system.

  【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段GM新的Malibu被授予“Top Safety Pick”可知, GM正在尽力挽回自己的错误。


  The passage is about Mary Barra, the new boss of General Motors, who had to face unexpected challenges and tried to deal with them in a proper way.

热门标签: 2017高考英语试卷分析




