
时间:2018-08-14 英语六级 点击:



  Different people have different opinions. Some smokers think smoking is a kind of enjoyment,and they could live without food but will die without smoking. Also they said they have freedomof smoking and it has nothingto do with others. However a lot of non-smokers don't agree. Intheir opinion, smoking is harmful to not onlysmokers themselves but also public healthespecially the woman and children. Therefore, many coutries have worked out lots to forbidsmoking in public places, such as cinemas, hospitals, stations etc. Nowadays, smokersmake upone quarter of the world's population. If the problem of smoking is not dealt with seriously,human health will be in danger. So smoking should be banned in no time.


  人们对这一问题说法不一。许多吸烟者认为吸烟是一件快乐的事情,他们可以没有食物,但不能没有香烟(转载于 :www.BJyld.com 月亮岛教育网 : 【2018高考英语优秀作文】高考英语优秀作文及译文)。他们认为他们有吸烟的自由,这与他人无关。但是,许多不抽烟者却不同意。他们认为吸烟不仅对抽烟者的身体构成伤害,也对公共健康构成影响,特别是妇女和儿童。所以,许多国家都禁止在公共场合吸烟,例如电影院、医院、车站等。如今,吸烟人数占到了全球人口的四分之一。如果我们不能够认真对待这件事情,那么人类的健康将会受到威胁。所以我们应该马上禁烟。


  In the past, we were always sitting in the classroom listening to the teacher. The teacher wasalways explaining too much about sentence, patterns, grammar and so on. We all felt tired ofwhat we were taught and not able to remember everything. Even worse, we couldn't use thelanguage. Now our teacher has changed the way of teaching. Sometimes, he gives us time to dothings or to practice English. Sometimes, he lets us getting information and give information inEnglish. And he often lets us work in pairs or on groups. Thus, we not only learned someEnglish Knowledge but also use the lauguage we learned to solve problems.




  It is very important for us to keep the balance of nature, and nature often teaches its lessons.Here are twoexamples: Eagles eat chickens. They felt mice as well. The farmers want to killmany eagles to protect their chickens, but to their surprise, more and more mice appeared. Alot of grains were eaten. In one place in th America, the deer eat a kind of wild rose, while themountain lions eat the deer. People killed many mountainlions to protect the deer. As a result,the deer ate up all the wild roses and began to eat the green leaves and young trees. Now youcan see how important is to keep the balance of nature. If we don't keep the balanceofnature,we will suffer from it.


  维持大自然的平衡非常重要,大自然总会给我们以教训。下面是两个例子:老鹰吃公鸡。但是它也害怕老鼠。农夫总是想通过猎杀老鹰来保护公鸡,但是让他们惊讶的是,出现了越来越多的老鼠(转 载于:wWw.bjylD.com 月亮岛教育 网: 【2018高考英语优秀作文】高考英语优秀作文及译文)。老鼠吃掉了大量草地。在美国的一个地方,野鹿会吃一种野玫瑰,然而山中的狮子却捕食鹿。人们杀害了大量狮子来保护鹿。结果使得鹿吃掉了所有的野玫瑰,并开始吃野草,以及小树苗。现在你能够明白维持大自然平衡的重要性了吧。如果大自然失去了平衡,我们就会遭殃。

热门标签: 高考优秀英语作文译文




