
时间:2018-08-07 英语六级 点击:
中国房价问题近年来一直是社会热门话题。大中型城市房价一直居高不下且呈逐渐上涨的趋势(转载于 :Www.bjyLD.com 月亮岛教育网 : 英语六级翻译真题|英语六级段落翻译预测:房价问题)。有的年轻人根本买不起房,有的则成为了房奴(mortgage slaves)。房奴是近几年出现的社会流行词。顾名思义,房奴的意思是房屋的奴隶。这些人为买房而向银行借贷款,然后用一生的精力来偿还。据某房地产网站的调查,中国约32%的人月供占到了收入的50%以上,成为了名副其实的房奴。他们在享受有房的心理安慰的同时,也承受着巨大的精神压力,生活质量大为下降。

  Chinese housing prices have been hot social topics in recent years. House prices in medium-and-large cities keep high, with the trend of further going up. Some young people simply cannot afford purchasing any house, while others become mortgage slaves. Mortgage slaves (or house slaves) are a new buzzword that emerged in the society in recent years. Just as the name suggests, house slaves refer to people who are enslaved to mortgage for their houses. These people borrow loans from banks to buy a house and then repay the loans with their lifetime efforts. According to survey by a real estate website, about 32 % of Chinese people paid over 50% of their income as monthly mortgage payment, so they indeed became slaves of the house. While they seem to enjoy some psychological comfort that they have their own houses, they have to bear tremendous stress, with quality of life dropped down significantly.(转载于 :wwW.bjYLd.com 月亮岛 教育网: 英语六级翻译真题|英语六级段落翻译预测:房价问题)
热门标签: 六级英语段落翻译必备




